Sunday, February 27, 2011

Final Fantasy Xlll-2 Announced

This is a great news for all RPG lover!!!Square Enix just announced one month ago about the new released of Final Fantasy XIII-2,the sequel of the FFXIII.

Final Fantasy XIII-2​ is upcoming published by Square Enix for the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360, and currently being developed by the company's 1st Production Department. Due to be released in Japan in 2011 and North America as well as Europe in Winter 2011, it is the sequel to Final Fantasy XIII. The game will once again feature Lightning as the main character. Square Enix Europe has said that the game "exceeds Final Fantasy XIII in every aspect", including the battle system.

The game was officially announced on January 18, 2011, with a teaser trailer and a logo at the Square Enix 1st Production Department Premier in Tokyo, Japan by director Motomu Toriyama(same director of Final Fantasy X and X-2).

The teaser trailer showed Lightning, outfitted in armor, drawing her weapon and engaging a mysterious male warrior. The teaser was officially released on January 20, 2011, and can be viewed on the game's official websites.

Talk of a sequel came as early as January 2010; the game's art director mentioned in an interview that the amount of working art assets that were cut from the final product was enough to make up an entire game.In March 2010, during an interview with Kitase, producer for the game, he was asked about the possibility of a sequel. In response, he replied: “If we could do a XIII-2, we could direct all our attention to the story and refine what we have already built.” On December 15, 2010, Tetsuya Nomura, character designer for the game, released a drawing of Lightning, along with the words “She must not be forgotten”.


The game takes place after the events of Final Fantasy XIII, with its overall storyline set to be darker than the original. The game will feature returning characters with Lightning as the main protagonist once again, along with other characters who will return “with major and unexpected changes". The game will send players on a journey to locate the gate to the invisible world. The goddess Etro will play a pivotal role in the plot.
Who is the guy beside Lightning??New character has been revealed!?

FFXIII story spoilers ahead.

Another major theme to be explored in XIII-2: The fates of Vanille and Fang. "The fact that the party was saved by their sacrifice is a scar on all of their hearts," Toriyama told Famitsu. We'll cover how all of their friends are handling it, not just Lightning, and there'll be a large number of new characters as well. I think we'll see more dark and mysterious situations than in FFXIII."

Certainly, the Lightning of FFXIII-2 is different from before -- she may've lost her l'Cie powers at the end of the previous game, but now she's back and dressed skimpier than ever. "I can't go into details, but she might become something even greater than l'Cie [in XIII-2]," Toriyama said. "Her outfit is certainly more revealing, but she still cherishes her usual refined, noble manner. The clothing in general is more fantasy-influenced in this game, and the new weapons will match with that style."

The "feather" motif of the preview trailer (screenshot shown above) served to make Lightning look a bit angelic, especially compared to the far darker appearance of the new character shown in the film. In the interview, however, Toriyama warned against jumping to conclusions. "Who can say which is the angel and which is the devil?" he laughed. "Lightning has a new mission in this game, and [the new character] is going to be in her way as she tries to accomplish it. He's a strong character, capable of fighting on even terms with the heroine who saved the world."

How will it all turn out? Japanese folks will find out pretty soon, as the game's set for a 2011 release in the region. "We made people wait a long time for FFXIII, so we're trying our best to get this game out as quickly as we can," Toriyama said. "Outside of that, we are trying to implement as many of the suggestions given by players, and new ideas we've come up with, into the game as we can. The travelling system is completely different, too -- we're making a truly living world, with lots of people living all the way to the far corners of the game. I think it's a new style of RPG we'll be able to show people here."

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Yankee-kun to Megane-chan ヤンキー君とメガネちゃん 不良仔與眼鏡妹

《不良仔与眼镜妹》是吉河美希的日本漫画作品,在2005年春《增刊Magazine Wonder》(讲谈社)中以单期作品的身份初次登场,之后在《周刊少年Magazine》2006年27号开始,连续三期集中连载。从2006年第46号后,开始连载单行本。现在已有21本单行本在发售中。










此外,还有一套由日本制作的连续剧,总共十集.主演演员有:品川大地- -成宫宽贵,足立花--仲里依纱,和泉岳--本乡奏多,千叶星矢--小柳友,姫路凜風--川口春奈.故事由刚入学到第一年学期完结,品川知道足立花是梦中情人后完结.....剧中与原作不同的有:

  • 原作中,花与大地在男厕中相识,但戏剧版则是在新生入学时。
  • 戏剧版中花的学生会竞选演说是为了凛风。
  • 练马的老家是寺院、电视剧变成工厂。
  • 花和爷爷一起住、奶奶(被认为是足立种)似乎在7、8年前过世。 (原作中则是爷爷没登场、奶奶还活着)
  • 戏剧版中,花有着「飓风的足」的绰号。
  • 品川的家从公寓变成一轩家(1楼是父亲的医院)。
  • 原作中,品川的妈妈是个厉害的律师,但戏剧版中则是脑袋很差。
  • 原作中,只有品川和姐姐海里一起住、戏剧版中则是全家住在一起。
  • 大地会变强的理由、是受到姐姐・海里的虐待和父亲・宙太的锻练所致(原作中则是为了保护被不良仔纠缠的雫)。
  • 大地会进入纹白高中的理由、是为了想要上医学院来继承医院(原作中则是因为入学考时与花的邂逅)。
  • 大地在入学考试时看到的长发女孩是花的事情,原作中是在屋顶上透过宫坂樱才知道,但电视剧中是在最终话里,大地向放下头发的花告白时才知道。

Sunday, February 20, 2011

PS1 RPG游戏之经典

RPG游戏可说是游戏中的霸者,对玩者的影响尤为其深.在此,我要谈论的是我曾经攻陷过的PS1 RPG游戏之精华与其独特之处(又一篇长篇大论文==ll)






沉迷于射雕英雄传一段时间后,另一个为之着迷就是牧场物語(Harvest Moon: Back to Nature),是由日本游戏商MMV开发的游戏,这是一个经营式的生活游戏.还记得小六时,全班都疯狂于牧场物語,天天与好友讨论农夫之道^__^.故事很简单,控制主角(农夫)去经营爷爷遗留下来的农场,村长要你在三年内做出成绩来,不然的话就会被收地封场.其实,当时PS1的牧场物語有两个版本(很多人不知),一是英文重版的男子版与二是日文原版的女子版,我玩的是女子版.身为一个农夫,管理农场自然是忙碌的,这游戏采用了时间,根据日历,分为了四季.你需要根据不同的季度去种植种子,先买种子,清除杂草,开垦土亩,播种浇水,过后再计算收成之日.(记得要天天浇水喔^__^),若遇上雨天,我非开心不可,因为省下浇水的一番功夫.不同的种子,价值不同,收成日子不同,所以需要计划好才可撒种耕植!!






PS1优秀而有诚意的RPG游戏数不胜数,当中Squaresoft可说是走在RPG游戏的前端,Chrono Cross正是其中Squaresoft的诚意制作之一。话说Chrono Cross的开头动画确实很让人起“劲”,精彩绝伦的动画场面加上超眩的配乐,还未玩就隐隐感受到它发出强烈的“杀”气,是一款RPG游戏迷不可错过的大作。结果Chrono Cross真的让我欲罢不能,事隔那么多年后,我还在念念不忘。一开头,就因时间转移,主角Serge阴阳差错下去到了另一个世界。这个世界与原本的世界并没有不同,只是相识的人都不认得Serge,因为在这个时空不同的世界里Serge早就死了。



游戏画面异常精美,有些场面还被3D化了,所有地点地图精心设计,非常优美如:Sea of Eden,Terra Tower,Chronopolis.....


Chrono Cross的特点就是自由度与探险度高,角色的最后必杀技需要互相穿越两个世界才可得到,还有隐秘同伴,敌人,道具,就连真正结局,最后大头目也大费周章,需要特殊条件下使用最终元素Chrono Cross才可获得圆满结局.顺带一提,结尾很感动加上动听的片尾曲,令人不想放下操控器controller,动手关机reset,呆坐一阵,回味细嚼整个游戏过程中的悲伤,快乐,刺激,然后才心有不舍地为它落幕.......

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Introducing New Manga Enigma

Enigma エニグマ


Is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Kenji Sakaki that is seralized in Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine. Kenji Sakaki was an assistant to Akira Amano, the mangaka of Katekyo Hitman Reborn.


The story follows the protagonist Haiba Sumio who attends Tokyo High School. Haiba Sumio has an interesting ability called the dream diary, a diary in which when he falls asleep can predict future events. Eventually, the story's antagonist, Enigma, captures seven students, all of whom have special powers, who must take part in the e-test. In order to successfully complete the e-test, passwords hidden throughout the school must be found within 72 hours. Upon completion of the e-test, Enigma promises to bestow their deepest desire that is written on cards that they received once captured. At the same time, there are "shadows" around the school that attempt to kidnap the students. It is later determined that the "shadows" are in fact humans who have fallen victim to prior shadows.

Sumio Haiba (灰葉澄生, Haiba Sumio) is the main protagonist of the manga series Enigma. He has been chosen by ǝnígmǝ to participate in the 5th e-test.Year 1 Class A. His ability is the dream diary.Dream Diary gives him an ability to predict future while sleeping and write it in the book, which serves as Diary of the occurances to come.His birthday is on February 29th.

Shigeru Kurumiya (來宮繁, Kurumiya Shigeru)Year 1 Class A. Her ability is currently unknown. She is Haiba Sumio's childhood friend.

Moto Hasekura (支倉元, Hasekura Moto) is a highschool student in the same school as Sumio and Shigeru,Year 1 Class E. He has been chosen by ǝnígmǝ to participate in the 5th e-test. His ability is to make things turn invisible/disappear, he also describes it as being in one place, but then just disappearing for the moment.Moto has shown to be one insecure teenage boy. His insecurity mostly comes from his inability to look good on photos, because of which he gets picked on by most of the guys from the School's baseball team.Moto also shown to trust Sumio with everything, especially after Sumio shown to rely on Moto.His moto is that he always takes the safest path in life.

Jirō Matsurigi (祀木次郎, Matsurigi Jirō) is a 3rd-year highschool student,Year 3 Class B. He has been chosen by ǝnígmǝ to participate in the 2nd and 5th e-test. His special power is to shrink things by removing numbers that express objects (Cubic Subtraction).With this ability he can reduce the measurements of objects at his will. The only conditions of this ability is that he cannot add to the object and it does not affect humans. He is the first in this e-test to be captured by a shadow. Once he was saved, he had the choice to swallow a pill to stop the shadow transformation. Instead of swallowing the pill, he saves it to force Kurisu Ryou to take it and save him. It is explained that he has already taken place in a past e-test as the sole survivor and wanted to take place in another to save Kurisu Ryou.

Hiina Kujyōin(栗須良, Kujyoin Hiina)is a 2nd-year highschool student,Year 2 Class C. She has been chosen by ǝnígmǝ to participate in the 5th e-test.Hiina was born in rich and royal family of Meiji period. Her father was aspiring young president of a Company, while her mother was intentional beauty, titled Miss Universe once. But, even although Kujyoin family looked like perfect family, it was not. Both of her parents had lovers of their own, and because of the family prestige, other people came to see Hiina as someone who is overconfident and arrogant.Hiina's talent is called Third Hand. Third Hand gives her an ability, as the name states, of using third, invisible hand, which only leaves black hand prints. Although having this ability is useful, Hiina states that she doesn't really need it.It was shown that if Third Hand takes any damage, her own hands will have the same damage.

Ryō Kirusu (栗須良, Kirusu Ryō) is a 2nd-year highschool student. He has been chosen by ǝnígmǝ to participate in the 5th e-test, but he was left behind. He has been trying to escape the school ever since. He teamed up with Sumio Haiba in the 5th e-test with the help of Jirō Matsurigi.First, it was shown that Kirusu mistakenly entered the e-test, when Enigma mistook him for Aru Mizusawa.But later, it was revealed that Kirusu was actually a shadow, and that he was in the e-test dimension of the School, since he didn't get out during the previous e-test.It is also shown that Matsurigi was in that e-test, too, and sole reason of Matsurigi's return to the current e-test is to save Kirusu, who he left in the previous test.Kirusu's talent is called Flat World. It gives him talent to enter any kind of photographs and control the inside world of the photograph. It was revealed that he can suck other people into the photograph world, but only two at the time. He can also use every object in the photograph world, and even alter it's shape a bit.

Aru Mizusawa (水澤艾爾, Mizasawa Aru) is a 2nd-year highschool student,Year 2 Class H. When he was captured he was in a costume he was wearing for a part-time job as a police mascot. It's later revealed that his ability allows him to transform in his costume.He/she has been chosen by ǝnígmǝ to participate in the e-test because of his/her special power to transform. During the e-test, he/she is transformed into the comic character Pit-kun. His/her real appearance is yet to be seen.

Takemaru Sudō (祟藤竹丸, Sudō Takemaru) is a 3rd-grade highschool student,Year 3 Class G. He has been chosen by ǝnígmǝ in the 5th e-test. His ability is currently unknown. He is very strong-headed as well as strong.

My Review:
Brother and i really like this manga because of its mystery and suspense plot.Right from the start,we were shocked by the kidnapped of seven unrelated student inside the school building at night.All of them have special ability,their power was related to this test and revealed their past eventually.Not only that,through this test,this 7 student may have changes in their mind and developed.Thanks to its suspense plot,this manga was starting being famous in Japan or just because its published on Japan famous magazine Shonen Weekly Jump?Whatever reason,you sure don't want miss up this quality manga and been attracted for it.

Manga That I Interested But Not Popular

Here i want introduce some manga that i interested but not very known among the ACG society,like Black Dogs from Taiwan,Trauma a new manga created from Macross story script writer.



A shonen manga by 小鯊魚&鮭魚仔,Taiwan Manga artists!!!!!Published in 2007 and currently serialized 《龍少年漫畫月刊》(Taiwan Shonen Manga Magazine)

I have collect this manga^^Story setting and pictures are perfect!!!!Character setting also attracted... Malaysia Comic Shop everywhere got sell this series of manga...
If have interest,please visit this link:









遇到一千年只会出现一次的" 画尸"......



My Review:

Now i dunno why the manga have stood at volume#7 and did not have a new volume??I very love this manga although its is from Taiwan,because the action scene was so attractive and i really want to know what happen next!!This manga is another manga that can beat the most 帅气 manga in Japan,Soul Eater.....

TRAUMA量子结晶 (トラウマ量子结晶)



  《TRAUMA量子结晶》的主人公是一位没有朋友、孤独的享受着青春年华的高中生。他疯狂的迷恋着SF小说,并且有志向想要探求小说中的主人公的特殊能力的真相——使自己以外的周围的时间停止的能力,为什么时间会停止,不找出这个原因就不罢休的他向着这个目标不停的努力着。这次青木老师所描绘的不仅是一部SF 漫画更是一部动作漫画,喜欢这部作品的朋友一定要拜读一下这部作品了!

My Review:
I think this manga was interesting because of its story setting and character design....Character personality were so distinctive,but i think the plot was quite lame....I think the mangaka can plot a more climatic story,i hope in the next episode,the plot will be not so bad.


僕は友達が少ない)是平坂读撰写的轻小说作品,插画由ブリキ负责,Media FactoryMF文库J于2009年8月出版发行。


Based on the light novel by Hirasaka Yomi & Buriki.

Hasegawa Kodaka has transferred schools, and he's having a hard time making friends. It doesn't help that his blond hair tends to make people think he's a delinquent. One day, he runs into his bad-tempered solitary classmate Yozora while she's talking animatedly to her imaginary friend Tomo. Realizing that neither of them have any actual friends, they decide that the best way to alter this situation is to form a club and start recruiting.

That is how "Rinjinbu" was formed, a club specifically designed for people who don't have very many friends. As other lonely classmates slowly join their little club, they'll try to learn how to build friendships through cooking together, playing games, and other group activities. But will this group of relationship-challenged misfits really be able to get along?

在学校总是独来独往的羽濑川小鹰,在一次偶然的情况下,目击到总是摆出一副臭脸的美少女三日月夜空一个人很开心地自言自语。 小鹰和夜空聊了一下该怎么交朋友的话题,没想到夜空竟然凭着莫名其妙的行动力成立一个以交朋友为目的的问题社团"邻人部“。而且也不知道是哪里搞错,问题美少女们还接二连三地申请入社!大家卯起来打美少女游戏电玩,一起去游泳、一起演戏。似乎一直没有抓对要领的他们,果真能交到朋友吗?

My Review:
I think why i started on this manga?because of its nice cover^^Well,lets talk about this manga charm,this manga plot was also lame and the artist drawing not good yet,but this is totally a funny manga that required nowadays.In the whole manga,you will laugh and will affected to do some crazy action.....The manga is around Mikazuki Yozora and her friends in the club that her created.